Bits and pieces of life

My life got busier, so I’ve been racking up topics to write about, as well as totally failing to set aside time for writing. Here is a quick roundup of all the topics.

My Bullet Journal in 2023

I just filled out my first bullet journal in a few years! Let’s share some photos and talk about what went well and what I’ll change in the next one.

Pilot Mogulair mechanical pencil

Although I like mechanical pencils in theory, I have a history of vague dissatisfaction with them; in hindsight, I couldn’t stop associating them with those moments where I got over-excited, pressed too hard, and my train of thought got interrupted by a crunch of graphite and a black mark. But the Mogulair broke that trend.

Lennon Tool Bar Atmospheric Twilight

Lennon Tool Bar Atmospheric Twilight is a medium grey with a purple tint and a slightly opaque appearance. This ink is almost completely waterproof.

Stationery shopping in Taipei, part 2

I spent a month in Taipei and did a lot of stationery shopping (my excuse was that if I’m going to shop anyway, far better there than back in the UK). This time I’ll talk about the less niche places where you can find stationery.

Stationery shopping in Taipei, part 1

I spent a month in Taipei and did a lot of stationery shopping (my excuse was that it was an incentive to explore the city more). This time I’ll talk about my experience with specialised stationery shops.

Taipei Stationery Fair 2023

I’m visiting Taiwan right now, and I decided to check out the Taipei Stationery Fair. Of course I know that Taiwan is full of stationery lovers. But I still didn’t expect to be met with this…